Which industries are ripe for innovation?

I was watching a talk given by Ryan Peterson, CEO of Flexport where he mentioned something interesting...

In his experience freight forwarding, the sector he disrupted, was operated in a very oldschool manner.

As a disruptor he was asked: Where to look to disrupt?

His reponse, paraphrased: ~"Look at components of GDP and find where programming has been applied the least"

Estimating programming applied to sectors could maybe be done with scraping tech job postings by sector,

or something else clever... but to be quick about this let's use a productivity proxy such as output per employee

Cross country data is too high level... OECD isn't very interesting

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does has some granular enough data to spend some time.



Load in Raw Data

Which industries had the most gains / losses in Output per Worker?


Scaling or Becoming Lean?

Are these sectors increasing output faster than the number of new employees?

Or are they reducing headcount faster than output decreases?


Scaling or Becoming Lean?

Are these sectors increasing output faster than the number of new employees?

Or are they reducing headcount faster than output decreases?

Data Appendix

Employment Change, absolute

which industries had the largest changes in employement in absolute terms

Employment Change, percent

which industries had the largest changes in employement in percent

Sectoral Output Change, absolute

which industries had the largest changes in output in absolute terms

Sectoral Output Change, percent

which industries had the largest changes in output in percent

Large growth in electronic shopping and nonstore retailers

increasing the employement and output of warehousing and courier services

Quick understanding of raw data

It looks like the data is in a long format... super nice thank you BLS!

The data has several dimensions

Industry, Sector, Sector Detail (NAICS Digit), Measure, Units, Year

What can we say with this data?

I see a few productivity related measures that can be used

What is the level of detail for each Sector?

Number of industries by digit

Size of sector by total labor compensation

The charts get quite messy with too much detail...

Though as we gain more detail the top indutry changes which is worth noting

In the "Custom" section is hospitals... which pay a lot in the US!

Productivity Measures

Output per worker?

Charts make these html files get too big to fit on a single page

Making this into a dashboard would be better to get more info into a single html page

right now only one sector fits