networkX(monthly bilateral imports) -> network statistics DOTS Network Statistics

International trade can be thought of as a network.

The IMF's Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) is a monthly bilateral trade dataset.

I downloaded this through dbnomics. The IMF's data API is inferior to using dbnomics.

With this data various network statistics can be calculated. I used networkX to do these calculations.

Below is an nice picture from networkX demonstrating betweeness centrality. This is just one of a few statistics that will be calculated and used in future work.

Notebook Contents:

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning
  2. Calculate Network Statistics
  3. Quick Charts

Data Collection and Cleaning

Percent of Data missing, top 20 and bottom 20:

Calculate Network Statistics


pagerank plot china in yellow catching up to the US in blue ~1980 large increase in nodes and edges, affects the avg cluster coef, triangles

below are some invididual charts I thought were worth pointing out when playing around with the data